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Investment Advisory - A. Chandak & Co.

Our advice is backed by a complete understanding of issues and challenges faced by the market & the business environment they operate in & your Risk aversion levels. We provide customised solutions based on a careful analysis of client needs, culture and organisational processes.

  • Equities

    Our equity strategies and recommendations are structured to deliver a long-term, sustainable growth in client portfolios. We focus on companies with predictable growth profiles, strong competitive positioning, and top quality management, complemented with solid balance sheets, ROEs, and cash flows.

  • Mutual funds

    We offer a careful selection of mutual funds, based on in-depth analyses that best represent the most appropriate routes-to-market for specific strategic or tactical objectives. Our analyses include firm and fund-specific factors, including consistency and risk management.

  • Fixed Income

    We monitor the global macro-economic environment as well as domestic credit and monetary policy drivers to ensure client portfolios are positioned with the most optimal instruments to meet their return objectives for specified risk levels.